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February 19, 2006
Joshua Radin=Good
Dearest F.O.G.S. (Friends of Garden State), and F.O.Z.B.'s (Friends of Zach Braff),
How are you?
*Note if you're a F.O.P.W.E.B.T.H.O.O.B.W.A.S. (Friend of People Who Enjoy Blowing the Heads Off of Birds With a Shotgun), you're probably in the wrong place... but heck stick around, there's something for everyone on this site.
It's been a long time since we spoke, so I thought I'd post on this overcast day in Los Angeles. I wanna start off by plugging the COOLEST album there is right now. Since many of you liked the Garden State soundtrack and are often asking me for new music and what I'm listening to, I'm gonna give you the hottest tip there is. His name is Joshua Radin. He just released his first full album on itunes and you can check it out HERE. He's not even signed to a label yet and it's already jumped to #1 on the itunes folk chart. We've had a bunch of his music on Scrubs and I'm telling you if there were a stock market where you could invest in future sensations, I'd put all my money in Radin Futures. (That and Pudding Pops, because I think they're due for a comeback.) I am very honored to call him my friend and I hope when he blows up, he'll still remember the little people and continue to let me crush him in backgammon and ping pong.
I'm in LA now finishing the 5th season of Scrubs. We wrap on April 15th and I'm trying to figure out what I'm gonna do this summer. I'm leaning towards directing a film. I've gotten the rights to a foreign film that I'm adapting. I can't get too specific because I'm still working on the deal. But if that comes through, I could very well be directing my second film this summer. As far as the 6th season of Scrubs? Who knows. It's all up in the air right now. But we're having a lot of fun doing this season. Those of you who watch know we've gotten a little crazier; a little more surreal; a little more stoner-friendly. I personally enjoy that kind of humor.
My dog has a cough. If you've never seen a dog with a cough, I recommend trying to find one. It's hilarious. I'm trying not to laugh in his face, but it's so cute/ridiculous to hear him cough that it makes me smile every time. He's on medicine. I think it's his allergies; he's allergic to more things than Millhouse and Paul from the "Wonder Years" combined. At last count I think he was allergic to air, water, lawn grass and food. He's a big nerd, but I love him.
If you live in LA and want a good laugh, check out the local ABC nightly news. There's an anchor named "Michelle Tuzee" pronounced "two-zie". Now where I'm from, a two-zie is a bowel movement. AKA a number two, a load, dropping the kids off at the pool, opening bombay doors, etc. So every time this woman says, "Good evening, I'm Michele Two-zie," I crack up. Now I know I'm thirty and I probably shouldn't be laughing at that, but I think it may be one of the funniest things I've ever heard. *** Bonus: If you have TIVO, you can pause her after she says, "Good evening, I'm Michelle..." Then you say out loud to a friend or loved one, " I need to drop a..." then unpause and she'll say "Two-zie". I'm telling you, it's a great way to end a hard day."
We're working hard on zachbraff.com. It's gonna be really cool. We're gonna have short films festivals, short story contests, still-photo contests. It's gonna be better than "O" magazine. Incidentally, they asked me to be the first non-Oprah cover of "O" magazine and I said no. I just didn't think it would be fair to all those hard core James Frey-hating Oprah fans to have to go a month without being able to look at her face while they're dropping a Michelle Two-zie.
Check out the trailer for, "Thank you For Smoking". It looks really good. I cruise quicktime for movie trailers and that looks like one of the coolest ones.
Rumor Patrol:
I am not engaged. But I am dating a very lovely lady. (read rags for fun if you must, but please don't believe what you read)
I am not part tiger. (one photographer got a shot of my tail and things got blown out of proportion.)
I do love Life Cereal. (this one's true. Man it's good; either flavor.)
I am going to be Vesper Lind (the new Bond love interest). After the success of certain films this year, they have decided to "shake things up" this time around. And so Bond will be gay. I play Vesper Lind, a German spy who loves trip-hop and raves. I assassinate my victims by forcing them to drink the fluid inside of glow-sticks. James and I meet when our hands accidentally touch during a "Licensed to Kill" seminar in Dusseldorf. We were both reaching for an "Ain't Misbehavin" CD that kills an enemy after he/she listens to the Act One curtain closer. Not very effective as a means of assassination since the target would have to make it through some really mediocre numbers in the first act, and like I said, it only works on "he/she's" which aren't very common in the spy business outside of Thailand. Can't say much more it's all very hush-hush...
That's it for now.
Peace and love my friends. Be good to one another and try not to shoot each other in the face.
Posted by Zach Braff at 03:14 PM | Permalink
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\o/ zach
Posted by: NT | Feb 19, 2006 3:17:39 PM
Hi :)
Posted by: Siobhan | Feb 19, 2006 3:24:49 PM
Great to hear that everything is going great Zach and I look forward to your new movies coming out, as well as whenever you get a chance to do another feature. Will you do another premiere in the great state of New Jersey for your next film? Or was that just a one time thing since Garden State was filmed in Jersey? Anyway that would be cool, I'm from Jersey and definitely would like to try and go to that if you were doing it again. Great article in GIANT magazine by the way. Scrubs needs to get some more love. And how about putting Scrubs on iTunes? Plleeeasseee lobby for that it would help my life out alot I want to catch up with the seasons but the DVD's come out too slow. New Jersey is great, hope to hear from you again soon.
Posted by: Colin | Feb 19, 2006 3:28:29 PM
Thanks for posting you have cheered up my day! I can't wait for series five to start in the UK I need some more Zach fixes!
Im also really looking forward to the Last Kiss, should be awesome!
Stay as cute and talented as ever
Love cerin xxx
Posted by: Cerin | Feb 19, 2006 3:31:32 PM
Good to hear from you again, Zach. :)
Posted by: Kayla | Feb 19, 2006 3:33:44 PM
Oh and also I just remembered! I added The Girl in the Cafe to my Netflix after you posted about it and I loved it. Bill Nighy was so great in it and it was really just such a feel good story. And I love the quote at the end of the movie "Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great. You can be that great generation" - Nelson Mandela. Great message, great movie. Any more good suggestions for us?
Posted by: Colin | Feb 19, 2006 3:33:54 PM
Sorry if anyone is interested,
Posted by: Cerin | Feb 19, 2006 3:34:47 PM
oh man :)
that's just like wireless lan :)
I think .. hm.. when does he write something new in his blog and.. voila.. there it is :P
It's half past midnight here in germany right now and I was working on this .. grhh.. website.. as I felt like.. I have to see a episode of scrubs :) .. AND I LOVE IT!!! :D I want to be like JD or .. no.. I just want to be a person in scrubs :)
so.. good to hear that everything is fine with our great director and actor.. :)
well.. I want to say something I always say in Germany when I say goodbye to someone.. hmm..
Posted by: Sven | Feb 19, 2006 3:35:01 PM
Zach -
So excited that you're going to be Vesper Lind. Personally, I will be looking forward to your big scene when you come out of the ocean in Bodacious Bond Bikini. Just because you'll be the first Bond Boy, that doesn't mean you don't get the bikini.
Also, Scrubs is fantastic this season. Just thought you should know.
That's all I had to say, really.
Thanks for making me laugh.
Posted by: Megan | Feb 19, 2006 3:35:49 PM
Heya Zach! I'm amazed that the comment board works for me - I've never been able to access it before!! Anyways, love your blog, cracks me up every single time, and I can't wait to see whatcha gonna do with your website! Gotta tell ya that I loved Garden State on so many levels and I cant wait to see what else you got up your sleeves... Love scrubs too, of course, but I havent seen it at all this season due to my inability to set the timer on my VCR!!! Well, someday... Well keep on doin what your doin, and I promise I will figure out my VCR so I can see all the weirdness that I've been missing this season. Love ya, Christy
P.S. Can't wait to see the glow stick scene in the Bond movie - Those ravers totally have it coming!!
Posted by: Christy | Feb 19, 2006 3:37:38 PM
Zach, do me a favor man. Check out the song "Chicago". It's by this guy named Sufjan Stevens. I know goofy name, but dont worry he's great. Enjoy man!
Posted by: Sean | Feb 19, 2006 3:38:14 PM
Just visited your site for the first time today. My husband and I purchased the first two seasons of Scrubs after catching a full episode for the first time--we were on nbc just to see when the olympics were going to be one and we caught the "Airband" episode. I never laughed so hard!! I don't watch a lot of TV due to the fact that I am a hopeless bookophile :), but since that epsiode, I've been jones-ing for more Scrubs. My husband and I watched the first two seasons over the course of the last two weeks and can't wait for show to come back on weekly!!
I've been reading some of the old blogs and came across Joshua Radin's music--I promptly visited his site and WOW! Why isn't he signed? He's awesome!! Well, my iPod now has his album in it!
If you have time for a question, I would be interested to know..who is you favorite author? Or if you don't have one...what is favorite book?
Keep up the good work and give Rowdy a kiss for me!!
Posted by: CJ | Feb 19, 2006 3:38:21 PM
Good to hear from you again.
I just wish that Australian TV would put Scrubs on at a reasonable hour.
Posted by: Rodney Olsen | Feb 19, 2006 3:41:25 PM
Hey! Wow you got so much stuff going on! it's great :) Hope your dog gets better soon hehe ( I have a cat and it's pretty funny when they get sick too ;)
Emmm yeah! I had this strangest feeling you might have written something on your blog tonight and when I checked, there it was a huge post from you! made my day!(or evening as it's late here) I just got a part to be in a comedy sketch show here in Iceland and they start shooting on february 26th, I'm very excited about that :) Well, thanx for telling about Joshua Radin, I'll definitely check him out as I'm a big fan of music and everything you've recomended has been good so far! ;) Well, thanx for the post, good to see you're well and everything hehe See you around! PS. Oh and you're really big in Iceland for Scrubs and Garden State ;) Byeeeeeeee - Guðný from Iceland ;)
Posted by: Guðný | Feb 19, 2006 3:44:50 PM
But Zach! I got my shotgun all loaded and cocked...nevermind, i'll refrain from yet another online shooting for today.It's really great that joshua Radin is putting up his album because I...as smart as i am...took your advice long ago to listen to his songs and it made me a better person...thank you jesus! hallelujah, alright disregard those last couple of sentences. but i'm definitely gonna get on it and buy them songs! lastly the last scrubs episodes rocked the house...and it was just so awwwwcutepinchycheeksadorable with you two lovebirds, thats all i'll say about that. oh and finally, i think you would play a fantastic gay spy, it seems like the role you were born to play.
bunches of smooches!
Posted by: Vanessa | Feb 19, 2006 3:45:08 PM
Michelle Two-zie. That's awesome.
Posted by: Wendy | Feb 19, 2006 3:49:03 PM
Joshua Radin's album is also available on eMusic. I'm downloading it as I type this.
Posted by: Mike W. | Feb 19, 2006 3:49:48 PM
Glad to see you're still alive, just kidding (wait that came out wrong). Anywho, Two-sie, and Josh Radin walked into a bar and the bartender said "is this some kind of joke?" Wow, I'm looking forward to summer as much as you are, and my dog has shivers, which is just as cute/funny. Glad to see ya post again.
Posted by: John B. | Feb 19, 2006 3:54:01 PM
Joshua's album sounds great, it's both happy and sad at the same time.
Thank you for smoking indeed seems like a good movie, I've been checking the trailer several times the last week. The trailer doesn't beat the Garden State trailer though, which in my opinion is one of the best trailers ever (yes yes, I loved the entire movie too, don't worry!).
Anyway, you always manage to make me laugh Zach, there should be more people like you on this planet.
Posted by: Andreas | Feb 19, 2006 3:55:15 PM
I would like to pick the peanuts out of michelle two-zie
Posted by: zachlover | Feb 19, 2006 3:55:30 PM
i just love ya....have a fabulous day :)
Posted by: jojo | Feb 19, 2006 3:58:46 PM
Ironic. Haven't checked this thing in forever..then thought of it today, and what do you know..you updated today..like less than an hour ago.
Michelle Twozee..the other day I happend to turn on the TV and she came on and was all seriously, then said something about how a couch fell into a lane on the freeway, and that there would be traffic because of this. It was amusing.
I really miss the Wonder Years, I hear they have a DVD coming out with all the episodes..think it'd be a great Purim present..not that we get presents for Purim. Speaking of jewish things, I saw Matisyahu last night, that was pretty amazing. You should check him out. Anyway, have a good weekend.
Posted by: Stephanie | Feb 19, 2006 4:00:56 PM
Greetings from Iceland and góðan daginn! :)
I just started watching the 5th season of Scrubs and so far "Watch out for birds" is the funniest gag yet. Man, I laughed so hard...
Anyhoo, just wanted to say hi and let you know that there are people all the way up north in lil' Iceland that know who you are.
All the best!
Posted by: Aevar Thor | Feb 19, 2006 4:03:22 PM
i have been thinking about "the wonder years" lately cuz it has been popping up everywhere. that's the way with everything, though. you see something you haven't seen in a while and then it's everywhere. anyways, fred savage has been in a lot of things lately too, or that's atleast how it seems. i just want to see danica mckellar(winnie) back again....she had nice legs....and then have fred savage and her could get back together and then i could finally get some closer on the whole "the wonder years" situation.....it tore out my heart! Thanx for keeping us posted!!
kellan meador
ps - how dyou pronounce sarah chalke's last name? is it just chalk or what? it has been bothering me ever since the first season.
Posted by: kellan meador | Feb 19, 2006 4:03:23 PM
Hey Zachery..
Great to hear from you dude, you must be sooo busy filming scrubs and with two movies in the pan. I can't wait for the fith season of scrubs to air in the UK, i've seen every episode , by far the best show on t.v. well that and 24, Jack Bauer is the daddy, and don't mess with him... Garden State is truely legendary and great to see a film so like original to the hollywood crap coming out. This year is the year of sequels, Die Hard, Rocky, fast and furious, superman etc. I reckon next year it will be to old Western film with a Clint Eastwood lookalike...lol
Cant wait for the new site, sounds awsome. I hope your dog gets better and the first gay bond girl/guy, NICE WORK.
Also nice work is you and Mandy Moore, nice catch shes pretty fit.
Anywayz good to hear from ya, its been like a month almost but your well busy, so fairplay. Hey if ya happen to come across this post, you got any tips for a fellow actor, i thought i try and ask...can't hurt right?? lol. Anywayz dude you seriously kick ass... keep up the good work and hope to hear from ya soon.
P.S. Just watched Man on Fire with Denzel Washington, have you ever seen that?? Fuck me...that has by far got to be the best action film i have ever seen and i cried for ages, seriously check it out. Amazing film, i cant big it up enough!!
Posted by: Luke Weller | Feb 19, 2006 4:07:52 PM